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First, please visit the βSwapβ section. Ensure you have connected a wallet with a sufficient amount of assets to proceed further.
Since your crypto wallet is already connected to the selected network, all you need to do now is select a pair in the "Swap" section, where you can easily swap them.
Please enter the desired amount of coins for the swap.
Once a user clicks the swap button, they can confirm the transaction in the browser's wallet extension.
Click on βConfirmβ in order to proceed.
Remember that all swaps go through Curve.fi and there are also fees involved.
The user must approve the spending token to be spent by the smart contract performing the exchange transaction. After the transaction is processed, the user must press the swap button and confirm the exchange transaction in the wallet.
Wait for the transaction to complete and wait until the "Success" window appears.
Please note that the swap amount will be reduced by 0.5% related to using our service.Once the swap is finished, the funds will be transferred back to the user's wallet and credited with the output value of the token they chose to swap for. Curve then receives the input amount of the token that the user used for the swap.
After that, users will be notified that they have received the chosen tokens in exchange for the transferred tokens.